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Victor Manuel Dias de Avila e Azevedo was born  in Angra do Heroismo, on the island of Terceira, Azores, where he has participated in contests and expositions since the age of four.

 After an absence of twenty five years ,he came back to display his work in Angra do Heroismo in December of 1987,at the Renault Boutique, in an individual show with nine pieces of various themes.

 In May of 1988,his work was once again displayed individually at the Lawn Tennis Club.

 In June of that same year, his work was displayed individually at B.N.U.

 In August of 1988, individual display in Santa Cruz, Graciosa.

 In 1990,another individual exhibition in Angra do Heroismo in a rotating system of  two pieces at each time ,during the great feast of the “Sanjoaninas”

 In the same period of time June/July,he participated in an exhibit entitled ”Ten Artists from Angra”.

 In September of the same year,he participated in an exhibit as an invited artist in a collection of 24 pieces with various themes in an individual show during the Cabrilho Festival in San Diego, California.. During the same period ,he had four of his pieces in exhibition held in Angra do Heroismo, featuring “Cows”, in a language which has much to do with the daily life of the people of these islands.

 In May of 1991 ,he held an individual exhibition by invitation of R.T.P.-Acores in Ponta Delgada.

 In June, his work was presented in an exclusive exhibition at the Solar Madre de Deus, which was sponsored by the Portugal Day Commemorations Committee, where for the first time ever, a photographic reproduction of his piece “O ESPIRITO SANTO”, was offered by the Minister of the Autonomous Region of the Azores to His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, on May 11,1991.The same remained on display in the Hotel Angra during the feast of “Sanjoaninas”

 In September, he participated in the initiative Visual Arts Cities Patrimonium of the World” Evora, the people and the art”

 In November, an individual exhibition was held in the “Acorlanda”, including the presentation of the piece entitled” A Bailarina Incompleta”

 On December 8,1991 he held an exhibit for the residents of the Seniors Home of the “Santa Casa da Misericordia” of Angra do Heroismo.

 On May 28,1992,he presented privately for the first time ever his collection”The Discoveries”in the “Sala dos Arcos” of the “Solar da Madre de Deus”,during a visit from Portugal’s Prime Minister Professor Cavaco Silva,for the Inauguration of the Board of Directors of the History of the Atlantic Committee.In June of that year he held for the first time an exhibit open to the public for the same collection in the “Palacio dos Capitaes Generais” in Angra do Heroismo ,with the sponsorship of  the Office of the Government of the Autonomous Region of Azores.

 His work can be found in certain collections of government offices such as the Office of the Portuguese Republic in the Azores,The Public Library and Archives of Angra do Heroismo,Regional Social Security Office,Television of Portugal/Azores. His work can also be seen in the warship “Corte Real” of the Portuguese Navy ,in the “CIP”Hall of the John Paul II International Airport in Ponta Delgada,as well as in private collections in the Region of Azores as wellas in Mainland Portugal,the United States and Throughout Europe,including the Vatican Gallery.

 The works of the artist are in large part painted on canvas with acrylics,as well as some works in plume,charcoal,pastel and mixed techniques,speaking various languages about the most diversified regional,national and universal themes.